Classes in Love and Logic™ and Nurturing Parenting™
Cyndi Goldfarb, M.S., LCCE, has taught classes for parents in the Denver/Boulder, Colorado, area for 32 years. Originally an occupational therapist with a master's degree in pediatrics, Cyndi became a certified Lamaze™ childbirth educator in 1986. She began teaching Love and Logic™ parenting classes in 2002 and became a certified Nurturing Parenting™ instructor in 2013.
Cyndi currently specializes in teaching individually-scheduled, private parenting classes. She also teaches classes for small groups organized by parents for themselves and their friends, and group classes at schools, churches, etc. Additionally, she offers one-on-one parenting consultations (including telephone consultations) for parents to address specific challenges. Private classes may be held in homes, offices, or other convenient locations. They are customized to meet the individualized needs of families. Cyndi also offers group classes in Boulder County (see schedule on the right).
Cyndi's instructional approach combines her knowledge of pediatric development and brain science with sound parenting practices. What would be your answers to the following questions?
- Are you tired of yelling, pleading, threatening, and bribing?
- Are your children learning the skills they need to live safely and successfully in our complicated world?
- Do your children ask themselves, "I wonder how my next decision will affect my life?"
- Are you being the kind of person you want your children to imitate?
Cyndi's classes address these concerns and much more.
The following classes are available privately, at dates and times that accommodate your schedule, or in group format:
Parenting the Love and Logic Way™: spans birth through age 18; the newest curriculum developed by the Love and Logic Institute, launched in fall of 2012
Love and Logic: Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!™: spans birth through age 6
Nurturing Parenting™: spans birth through age 18; this curriculum is available at sponsoring schools in Boulder County
Real Testimonials From Real People
- Cyndi, thank you so much for all of your help and insight! We really enjoyed the class. I feel like I could take it every week for the rest of time! —A.W.
- I enjoyed learning from you immensely. You are charming, humorous, and supportive. I felt safe and heard by you, and I am so grateful that you are doing this work. Our home is a much more comfortable place with the application of these new parenting skills, and M. is enjoying his new sense of responsibility and self-reliance. —K.E.
- I love that this class is not really about disciplining to make our lives easier but is really about raising our kids to be amazing individuals (which, in turn, makes our lives more meaningful and fun.) We truly feel inspired and motivated. —A.S.
- I recently met with Cyndi for a 2 hour consultation and thought she was amazing. Although I attended a different Love and Logic class last year, I am retaking it with Cyndi because I think she has a wealth of knowledge to share. —A.T.
- Thank you, Cyndi, for preparing so well for our parenting consultation. Your suggestions were perfect! —A.D.
- I am learning lots with you and must tell you that my brother, the boys' uncle, commented on the significant improvement in H's behavior, so I think we are really making an impact! Thanks for all of your help. —A.T.
- I truly can't thank you enough for your time and for giving my family new tools to make us even stronger! —A.K.
- Cyndi is a gem and [a] wealth of child rearing genius. —E.N.
- [We] want you to know how deeply thankful we are for the wonderful Love and Logic class you taught. We learned so much [and] have changed so much of our behavior, which has immediately and directly impacted our children's behavior! While we will forever have plenty to practice and perfect as parents, we have come to a common ground that when we are frustrated with our children, it's because we aren't following through with our agreed upon Love and Logic responses! Your class ... allowed us to discuss parenting strategies that were often just shots in the dark. We were provided with a positive, loving environment that allowed us to be supportive and critical of each other, and as a result, that made us stronger, in our marriage and as parents. ... Thank you, so many times over. —S.B.
- Cyndi was amazing: passionate and knowledgeable. What an asset this class is to parents and to our community! —L.P.
- I am definitely more calm and collected in my parenting. I have a lot more tools than I did before I took the class. I can see how important it is to have different techniques. I liked Cyndi's stories. I liked hearing other stories; it made me feel less alone.
- My favorite part was the interactive discussion with the teacher, and listening to other couples' problems with their kids, and then having the teacher and students figure out a solution to the problems using Love and Logic.